Wednesday 2 September 2009

What country would I like to know?

I would like to know London. I believe that it is a country that has big cultural milestones. Since there initiate it the industrial revolution in addition I imagine this place full of castles and towers with classic styles of construction. I would like to study in a university in this country. Slightly related to Juridical Psychology, as some magister in prison topics or children's treatment that suffered violence, in especial sexually or another magister related to human rights and the treatment of these special cases.

The first thing that should have is to visit the Big Ben since it is a very beautiful construction. Also I would like to visit some medieval castle. The medieval epoch seems to me to be very interesting besides the myths that round it. Also it is interesting the wars carried out in these country.

Really I like all the European countries. I believe that all of them are great and they have something show. Moreover the big cultures were born there. Other countries that I like it visiting are France and Greece. I am interested of visiting a country is to have the opportunity to know different places. After graduating of the career I will join a lot of money and will go away, probably with friends or with a couple :), when every europa.

Thursday 13 August 2009

My Experience During the Past Term

In general, the first term of 2009 was a positive experience. The work in the universities was hard, but I learnt many relevant things about Legal Psychology and Community Psychology. The Social Work and the visite to Sexual Abuse Childhood Center were experiencies that I will never forget. I learnt how the psychologist work in this center. On the one hand, my results in the university were goods, but on the other hand I had a little time for to do other activities. Moreover, the time that I saw to my family was very little.

I really like me the different subject. I think that's very important to learn from own experience and this process have better results that a unpersonalized way of education.

I did a course of Pilates in the past term. Also I did a workshop of Hypnosis and this term I pretend to have a course of Therapy Applied with this clinic tool.

One biggest challenges in the term past was to share with my family and, the same time, to answer to university. I called to my friends saying that I didn't go to the parties with them, because I had to study. However, the way of education in the first term of 2009 was very enjoyed. I remember, that in the subject of Legal Psychology, I visited the Justice Center and saw judments. Is very interesting, specially because I like it.
This term I hope to have more time for my free time activities, such as: To go with my friends and share with my family.

Friday 3 July 2009

My Blogging Experience

The work in the blog is a very creative way to learn. I learnt to redact better and understand english by this. Also, it's great to use the new technologies in learning process, because we need to integrate our knowledge in the "informatic society", discovering new ways for share that we propose and think.

I really like that you let us talk about ourselves, our hobbies, opinions, feelings and expectatives. If people learnt by the own experience and self-conscience, the process will have better results than another unpersonalized and not auto-constructive way of education. So, all these arguments make me be sure that this course has been very good.

Finally, I must recognize that in this way of work; I had problems because I don't have internet. Moreover, my hourly in the university, the only place where I have free internet connection, is very busy. Although. I learnt many things and also, is very enjoy!!!!!!! ^^ :)

My Favorite Subject

Is difficult to choose my favorite subject in the university, are many subjects I like. But if I must choose one should be the class of hypnosis in the university. This class was optional. I learned how to hypnotize! Like many psychological phenomena, intelligence, depression and anxiety, the hypnosis is defined according to the subjective experience, the report of participants and by the phenomena that accompany the hypnotic state. The hypnosis is a temporary condition of altered perception in the subject which may be induced by another person and in which a variety of phenomena may appear spontaneously or in response to verbal or other stimuli. These phenomena include alterations in the memory, increased susceptibility to suggestion, and the production in the subject of responses and ideas unfamiliar to him in his normal state of mind. Is very spectacular hypnotize to my friends. I like many this subject!!

My ideal job

Well, my ideal job should be, more or less relaxed, especially with children and young. I like judicial psychology, so, I prefer attend to domestic violence, sexual abuse, prison’s people, etc. I like this area of the psychology; I want to work in this line. I hope to have one office for me, was it not so, I adjust with good workmates. Also, I want and believe that my hourly will relaxed, although the work with this type of patients will be difficult. I think to work about twenty five years and enjoy my discipline. I don’t dislike and not bother me to be man of means, I do only for vocation. Moreover, in the professional practice, I hope to learn several things, before of begin the real work.

The importance of education: Video's Comments...

The video beggining with differents images and finally appear Sir Ken Robinson. He talks about the evidence about human creativity, about the future that we have no idea about what id going to happen, about education (saying that everybody has an interest in education), and finaly he refers to the capacity that children have.
This happens ‘cause the world needs that kind of people, the system is the responsible. Nowadays, and since many many decades, capitalism is the prevailing system and this is maintained beacause of the different strategies that society uses. Education is just one of that strategies. This type of education (this capitalist education) waste the kid’s talents, schools coerce children to adhere to certain education standars, where a mistake is the worst thing they can make, educating people out of its capacities and creativity.
He blames all this facts to the system, that shool is just a way tu university, and than study to get a good job. The system makes believe us that arts aren’t important because we can’t find good jobs (or simply, we won’t get a job) as an artist. So, the result is that many creative people think that their wrong, that being like that is just a big big mistake.
Sir Ken Robinsin argues that creativity is as important as education. We need to rethink our conception about intelligence. It is diverse, dynamic and distinctive. It’s needed to value each different type of intelligence, and use the human intelligence wisely, value children and their intelligence, to make world a better place, to create a new and good future.

Monday 1 June 2009

My Future

In five years from now I see me working as psychologist in interventions centres. I like the juducial psychology, and want to treat cases such as childhood sexual abuse, childhood sexual explotation and in treatment in adolescent with social disorders. I want to do a magister in Spain about treatment and intervention in sexual abuse and domestic violence. Also, I would like to be a teacher of psychology in a University. Personally, I see me with a big house in the south of Chile and a flat in Santiago. I could have a ferret and a cat. Also, I would have a pair living with me, but the first is enjoy the bachelor' life. I want to continue studying, may be other career as law. In my ideal future, I'm in my big house in the south, where I will have sheeps and pigs. I will be calmed and relaxed. I could can buy the house for my parents near to sea. They could be very happy. I hope that everything outcome good!