Thursday, 13 August 2009

My Experience During the Past Term

In general, the first term of 2009 was a positive experience. The work in the universities was hard, but I learnt many relevant things about Legal Psychology and Community Psychology. The Social Work and the visite to Sexual Abuse Childhood Center were experiencies that I will never forget. I learnt how the psychologist work in this center. On the one hand, my results in the university were goods, but on the other hand I had a little time for to do other activities. Moreover, the time that I saw to my family was very little.

I really like me the different subject. I think that's very important to learn from own experience and this process have better results that a unpersonalized way of education.

I did a course of Pilates in the past term. Also I did a workshop of Hypnosis and this term I pretend to have a course of Therapy Applied with this clinic tool.

One biggest challenges in the term past was to share with my family and, the same time, to answer to university. I called to my friends saying that I didn't go to the parties with them, because I had to study. However, the way of education in the first term of 2009 was very enjoyed. I remember, that in the subject of Legal Psychology, I visited the Justice Center and saw judments. Is very interesting, specially because I like it.
This term I hope to have more time for my free time activities, such as: To go with my friends and share with my family.

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